Winter storms across the country and wildfires in California may cause shipping delays. Our carriers are working hard to get your orders to you as quickly and safely as possible. We appreciate your patience and understanding!

Allow us to introduce ourselves.

Hi, there! We’re ETE REMAN, the world's best remanufacturer of automatic transmissions for import and domestic cars & trucks. Based in Milwaukee, WI, we have a small team of people who, at the core of it all, are family! Without hesitation, any ETE employee will tell you that. We are the listening ears for when problems occur, the extra brainpower for collaboration, and the supportive friend that is right there with you – our partner - every step of the way.


Our small, customer-focused teams have a mission statement defining our vision and core purpose:

We will provide our customers with a better service experience by eliminating hand-offs and wait periods.

We will build better personal relationships with our customers by reducing the number of different people they speak to at ETE.

We will experiment with and improve our workflow best practices to make the work we do for our customers easier, faster and more accurate.


We don’t just sell you transmissions. We are here and excited to work WITH you and be part of the success of YOUR business.

Give us a call or buy online with us today.